Saturday, 15 December 2018

Chosen Idea - Brand Guidelines Book

Originally after speaking with Amber in my crit, I delve into my research in creating a publication based on the ideas of people who get tattoos of brand logos. Investigating into the reasons why and what extreme brand endorsement means. 

On investigating online I found a lot of information which gave me insights into why people do this such as: 
1. Membership into Social Groups: Brand tattoos help customers bond with others in the same social group who share special interests and common values. Brand tattoos send a message that they belong to a unique, personally meaningful community. You only “get the message” if you’re part of that group.2. Finding Meaningful Associations: Brand tattoos remind customers of personal values. The tattoo is a permanent badge with special meaning. It creates a powerful recall cue of the memories, experiences, emotions, and other positive associations they have with the brand. A single image, as represented by the tattoo, can encapsulate a series of complex memories and feelings.3. Connecting with Ideals: Brand tattoos are reminders of the customer’s ideal life. The brand becomes associated with specific ideas, as Apple has become inextricably linked to creativity, beauty, and expression. Customers see the brand’s mark as a reminder of these ideals, and they draw strength from the image.

Although the majority of this information was taken from articles over a decade old, after taking into consideration I decided to call around some tattoo studios in Leeds, to investigate the matter further. In doing so I called the artists and asked them some question about the last time they gave someone a tattoo of a brand logo or knew anyone that had. Both replied recommending that they didn't know anyone, nor know anyone who has had any recently. They also said the last time they did so was in training quite some years ago. As can be heard in the two voice notes I have attached which documented the conversation:

Cobra Studios
Rude Studios

Due to this information, I found through research and both talking to people in the industry I have decided to go in a different direction for my practical element of this module. 

New Direction: Brand Guidelines Book

I have decided to do a backlash reaction book, in regards to some facts I discovered in the writing process of my essay. I was really shocked at the extent a brand would go to be able to be only relevant to the audience they want to, such as Burberry burning £28 million worth of stock to get rid of particular consumer relations. It also surprised me the extent that people would go to the be able to be a part of a particular community and encapture the values and imagery that's related to that brand. 

Therefore I decided to create a book that is a backlash on the snobbery and enforced culture links to high-end brands and the ideals they require from their ideal consumers. In order to begin exploring the content for the book and really put down my ideas in a way I can move it about, I put my ideas into notes on the wall. This will help within my development process in seeing the way in which the content will fit together. 

The notes in pink stipulate issues I originally thought would arise, orange notes down the imagery and style, yellow contains the main theme, green the smaller content that will help convey the yellow, and finally pink on the green which contains quotes that support the ideals the high-end brands are aiming towards. 

I want to create this book to create an impact on the brands to show that they must move with their consumer in order to stay relevant, rather than just change to their own rules. This would fit into the industry in a place of an intervention almost of people who are too obsessed with living around brands. 

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