Monday, 17 December 2018

Statment of Ethics

As part of my study into this module other people have been involved with the gathering of my information. Therefore I considered the ethics that should be involved and began to look over the universities policy on ethical proceeds. The university states that I should ask anyone who participates towards an element of my work to consent to a participant form. Yet my interview with the designer from Burberry must remain anonymous, or risk losing their job, therefore filling out the form is not possible for this participant; and would be detrimental to their career. Although through agreeing to answer the questions, and doing so with replying back to me with answers, gives me enough of a basis to assume that the participant agrees to the information being part of the information that allowed me to gage certain decisions in this process.

The form provided also states that the participants who are involved in research must fill out the form, although my only other participants were contributors of content for the magazine itself, all of which were contacted and consented to their work being used within the publication. Therefore making the form irrelevant to these partipants as they were contributors and not part of a reasearch interview.

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