Friday, 14 December 2018

Essay Crit 3/12/18 Feedback

  • Write about what Burberry before, design wise.
  • A link to why the visual styles of what you're creating for your practice are the way they are, using your research - use the gap example. 
  • How they tried to aim towards a younger audience ignoring that their audience was, in fact, the older generation and therefore had to revert back.
The feedback was clear in the changes I would need to make and the direction I would then need to take to progress in structuring the argument correctly. Each time I'm writing a paragraph I am also printing it and reading it through, to be able to get a rounded idea of the flow of the essay and ensure that all of the wording is correct. Once these have been corrected, these are the copies I have then sent to Amber, for review. 

To ensure I am continuing to structure my essay correctly, I am writing each of the points I want to make out in bullet points which allows me to think about the order in which I need to write. It also allows me to see the structure of the point before putting it properly down on paper, therefore allowing me to move things around before writing a particular section to ensure a clear flow.

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