Friday, 14 December 2018

Initial Essay Planning + 12/11/18 Crit

To begin planning the points I wanted to make in my essay, I began to note down the different points that I had identified whilst reading into the books I had taken from the library as well as the essays that I had found through jStor and google scholar.

This also gave me the chance to understand what further research I need to do to be able to gather a better understanding of the content that I wanted to put into the essay. To be able to start pulling points together, and noting down different points which I can then bring together and create an initial structure to begin writing. 

First plan:

This initial draft was shown to Amber within a crit, she read through the points that I had written down initially and it was decided that the plan was along the right track, but I should look more into statistical data to be able to back up my points. It was also discussed that I should consider triangulation to ensure that all of my points are articulated in a way that supports the argument I will be structuring.

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